Full of Colour - Bendigo Street

Unfortunately it is all too easy to find street art in and around Melbourne. Turn a corner and you are faced with this:

Bendigo St, Collingwood 01

I did not yet have the 14 mm so the images have to take a bit of an angle into account but I just loved this splash of colour, particularly in contrast the dark clouds overhead. The wall just has so much movement and energy, it is a pity you can't jump into it and participate.  And I should know, check out the blood stains on the lower L) corner.

Bendigo St, Collingwood 02
These shots were taken early in the morning, roughly 9 exposures separated by 1 EV. The cloud cover made for some nice light but I would like to go back and shoot with the wide angle and few less cars.

Bendigo St, Collingwood 03
Ah, and there's Bender, I recommend episode 9 in season six of Futurama for all you biologists out there, I just finished it and it is very funny.

Bendigo St, Collingwood 04

Bendigo St, Collingwood 05

Bendigo St, Collingwood 06a
Bendigo St, Collingwood 06b
Bendigo St, Collingwood 06c

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